Some random thoughts on the matter:If you want or need to include other investments in the Permanent Portfolio, I believe their total value should be limited, if practical, to no more than 15% of the total.
Even if you believe that a particular path for the economy is especially likely, I hope you'll consider establishing a neutral portfolio. It will reward you whether you're right or wrong. But if you're determined to weight the portfolio in one direction, please don't give any investment more than 35%. And don't reduce any of the four essential investments to less than 20%.
Personally, I'm not feeling great about the US $. I'm concerned my portfolio won't keep up with inflation. I'm thinking Bitcoin might help there. It seems appropriate for the PP because it's like gold, a bearer asset of limited supply that can be stashed away indefinitely. The earlier iterations of the PP held Swiss Francs as an alternative form of money, in addition to US dollars and Gold, so I think another form of money is kosher. Bitcoin is also volatile like stocks, bonds and gold, so it might perform well in a portfolio like the PP.
Here's a potential HB-approved asset allocation:
Stocks: 25%
Bonds: 20%
Gold: 20%
Cash: 20%
Bitcoin: 15%
What do you think? WWHBD?
Personally, I think Harry Browne would have gone deep on Bitcoin. I don't know if he would have money in it at this point, but he would certainly know all about it. I believe Harry made a killing around the time when "How you can profit from the coming devaluation" was released by being aware of the macro picture and knowing which tools to apply. I know neither, but I'm looking into this new tool, and it seems past the toy stage.
Thanks to Bitcoin in the VP for inspiring this thread.