Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

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Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by MWKXJ »

For any who may be interested, below is a Rube Goldberg solution to the "problem" of receiving rebalance e-mail and text notifications.

1. Create a "MetaARPA" account at SDF.org. (go for it; it's useful for accessing elinks at work via Putty in any case).
2. Create a "~/bin" folder and change directories to it.
3. Using vi, create the following script, naming it "roth_rebalancer.ksh93" (or "401k_", "457b_", etc.):

Code: Select all



function get_query {
        typeset -n ticker="$1"
        print -rn "$SRC?s=$(print -rn $ticker)&f=l1&e=.csv"

function get_quote {
        typeset -n ticker="$1"
        print -rn $($CURL -X GET -s $(get_query ticker))


# First pass, sum the portfolio value.
while read ticker shares; do
        quote=$(get_quote ticker)
        let total=$total+$quote*$shares

body=$body"Total Portfolio Value: $total

# Second pass, calculate whether any position is outside of balancing bands.
while read ticker shares target; do
        quote=$(get_quote ticker)
        let value=$quote*$shares
        let target_value=$total*$target
        let lower_bound=$LOWER_REBALANCE_BAND*$target_value
        let upper_bound=$UPPER_REBALANCE_BAND*$target_value
        body=$body"Ticker: $ticker
        body=$body"Value: $value
        body=$body"Target: $target_value
        body=$body"Lower Band: $lower_bound
        body=$body"Upper Band: $upper_bound
        let pct_of_port=$value/$total
        body=$body"Cur Pct of Port: $pct_of_port
        body=$body"Tgt Pct of Port: $target
        if ((value <= lower_bound || value >= upper_bound)); then
                body=$body"Value outside of range.
                if $DEBUG; then
                        print -u2 "$body"
                # TODO: Periodically collect statistics.
                body=$body"Value within range.
                if $DEBUG; then
                        print -u2 "$body"

if $notify; then
        # TODO: Attach trendline report using troff's 'grap' package.
        if $DEBUG; then
                print -u2 "Sending e-mail notification."
        $MUTT -s 'Portfolio Rebalance' $NOTIFICATION_EMAIL1 <<EOF
        $MUTT -s 'Portfolio Rebalance' $NOTIFICATION_EMAIL2 <<EOF
        $MUTT -s 'Portfolio Rebalance' $NOTIFICATION_EMAIL3 <<EOF
...note the upper and lower rebalance band are set to +30% and -30%, respectively. Edit the "UPPER_REBALANCE_BAND" and "LOWER_REBALANCE_BAND" variables to taste.

4. Make the script executable with the following command: "chmod 700 roth_rebalancer.ksh93"
5. Using vi, create the following file, naming it "roth.portfolio" (or "401k." "457b.", etc.):

Code: Select all

QLENX   3920    0.5
AUENX   1467    0.25
TMF     1077    0.205
TQQQ    44      0.045
...the fields should be separated by tab and represent 1) the ticker, 2) the shares held, and 3) the target allocation.

6. Run "mkcron".
7. Type "edit".
8. Enter the following:

Code: Select all

1:5,35 13-21 * * 1-5 /sdf/arpa/<PATHTOYOURHOMEDIR>/bin/roth_rebalancer.ksh93
...note that without specifying a timezone in the crontab file the hours will be relative to the server, which is UTC. In the preceding example notices are run at 5 and 35 minutes past the hour, 1:00 through 9:00 p.m. UTC (9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Eastern), Monday through Friday.

9. Type "sync".
10. Type "quit".

Provided everything is working correctly, notification will be sent twice an hour if any of the positions are outside of their rebalance bands. Debug the script with "DEBUG=true". Force a notification by playing with the targets in the ".portfolio" file. Below is a sample of the notification body:
Total Portfolio Value: 108890.73000000001
Ticker: QLENX
Value: 55115.2000000000044
Target: 27222.682499999999
Lower Band: 19055.8777499999997
Upper Band: 35389.4872499999983
Cur Pct of Port: 0.506151441908783273
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.25
Value outside of range.
Ticker: AUENX
Value: 26361.989999999998
Target: 54445.364999999998
Lower Band: 38111.7554999999993
Upper Band: 70778.9744999999966
Cur Pct of Port: 0.242095814767703388
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.50
Value outside of range.
Ticker: TMF
Value: 22509.2999999999993
Target: 22322.5996499999965
Lower Band: 15625.8197549999968
Upper Band: 29019.3795449999961
Cur Pct of Port: 0.206714566060857541
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.205
Value within range.
Ticker: TQQQ
Value: 4904.23999999999978
Target: 4900.08284999999978
Lower Band: 3430.05799499999966
Upper Band: 6370.10770500000035
Cur Pct of Port: 0.0450381772626558785
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.045
Value within range.
Update the ".portfolio" input as dividends are reinvested, purchases are made, etc. Improve the script, or, use one myriad of other languages available on sdf.org to craft your own.

Good luck.
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by Kriegsspiel »

Holy shit I don't know how to use computers.
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by dualstow »

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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by MWKXJ »

Below is a variation of the script which employs Swedroe's 5/25 rule to calculate rebalancing bands (assuming I understood the rule correctly):

Code: Select all



function get_query {
	typeset -n ticker="$1"
	print -rn "$YAHOO?s=$(print -rn $ticker)&f=l1&e=.csv"

function get_quote {
	typeset -n ticker="$1"
	print -rn $($CURL -X GET -s $(get_query ticker))


# First pass, sum the portfolio value.
while read ticker shares; do
	quote=$(get_quote ticker)
	let total=$total+$quote*$shares

body=$body"Total Portfolio Value: $total

# Second pass, calculate whether any position is outside of balancing bands.
while read ticker shares target; do
	body=$body"Ticker: $ticker
	quote=$(get_quote ticker)
	let value=$quote*$shares
	let target_value=$total*$target
	body=$body"Current Value: $value
	body=$body"Current Shares: $shares
	body=$body"Target Value: $target_value
	let target_shares="int(target_value/quote)"
	body=$body"Target Shares: $target_shares
	# Follow Swedroe's 5/25 rule.
	if ((target >= $SWEDROE_THRESHOLD)); then
	# Use smaller percentage per Swedroe.
		# Note: The reported band percentage assumes that the upper and lower 
		#       are the same.
		let band_pct="int((SWEDROE_RELATIVE_UPPER_REBALANCE_BAND-1)*100)"
		body=$body"Using Swedroe $band_pct% rebalance band:
		let lower_bound=$SWEDROE_RELATIVE_LOWER_REBALANCE_BAND*$target_value
		let upper_bound=$SWEDROE_RELATIVE_UPPER_REBALANCE_BAND*$target_value
		# Use larger percentage per Swedroe.
		# Note: The reported band percentage assumes that the upper and lower 
		#       band are the same.
		let band_pct="int((SWEDROE_ABSOLUTE_UPPER_REBALANCE_BAND-1)*100)"
		body=$body"Using Swedroe $band_pct% rebalance band:
		let lower_bound=$SWEDROE_ABSOLUTE_LOWER_REBALANCE_BAND*$target_value
		let upper_bound=$SWEDROE_ABSOLUTE_UPPER_REBALANCE_BAND*$target_value
	body=$body"Lower Band: $lower_bound
	body=$body"Upper Band: $upper_bound
	let pct_of_port=$value/$total
	body=$body"Cur Pct of Port: $pct_of_port
	body=$body"Tgt Pct of Port: $target
	if ((value <= lower_bound || value >= upper_bound)); then
		body=$body"Value outside of range.
		if $DEBUG; then
			print -u2 "$body"
		# TODO: Periodically collect statistics.
		body=$body"Value within range.
		if $DEBUG; then
			print -u2 "$body"

if $notify; then
	# TODO: Attach trendline report using troff's 'grap' package
	#       and collected statistics.
	if $DEBUG; then
		print -u2 "Sending e-mail notification."
	$MUTT -s 'Portfolio Rebalance' $NOTIFICATION_EMAIL1 <<EOF
	$MUTT -s 'Portfolio Rebalance' $NOTIFICATION_EMAIL2 <<EOF
	$MUTT -s 'Portfolio Rebalance' $NOTIFICATION_EMAIL3 <<EOF
Sample notification e-mail:
Total Portfolio Value: 109561.279999999999
Ticker: QLENX
Current Value: 55115.2000000000044
Current Shares: 3920
Target Value: 54780.6399999999994
Target Shares: 3896
Using Swedroe 5% rebalance band:
Lower Band: 52041.6080000000002
Upper Band: 57519.6719999999987
Cur Pct of Port: 0.50305363354645003
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.5
Value within range.
Ticker: AUENX
Current Value: 26361.989999999998
Current Shares: 1467
Target Value: 27390.3199999999997
Target Shares: 1524
Using Swedroe 5% rebalance band:
Lower Band: 26020.8040000000001
Upper Band: 28759.8359999999993
Cur Pct of Port: 0.240614111116628093
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.25
Value within range.
Ticker: TMF
Current Value: 23230.8899999999994
Current Shares: 1077
Target Value: 22460.0623999999989
Target Shares: 1041
Using Swedroe 5% rebalance band:
Lower Band: 21337.0592799999977
Upper Band: 23583.0655200000001
Cur Pct of Port: 0.212035584104165276
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.205
Value within range.
Ticker: TQQQ
Current Value: 4853.19999999999982
Current Shares: 44
Target Value: 4930.25759999999991
Target Shares: 44
Using Swedroe 25% rebalance band:
Lower Band: 3697.69319999999971
Upper Band: 6162.82200000000012
Cur Pct of Port: 0.0442966712327566814
Tgt Pct of Port: 0.045
Value within range.
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by foglifter »

I feel like I'm missing something here... why do we need to mess with Linux?

I have my Google sheets with conditional formatting, so I know I need to rebalance if the cell turns red. I could add a script that would run daily/hourly/whatever and send me rebalancing alerts, but so far rebalancing hasn't been such a frequent event.
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by dualstow »

foglifter wrote:I feel like I'm missing something here... why do we need to mess with Linux?
I think it's so you really don't have to look. You don't even have to check to see if the cells turn red.
Plus, it's a pretty cool exercise.
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by foglifter »

dualstow wrote:
foglifter wrote:I feel like I'm missing something here... why do we need to mess with Linux?
I think it's so you really don't have to look. You don't even have to check to see if the cells turn red.
Plus, it's a pretty cool exercise.
Certainly agree on the coolness factor. I must be too tired of dealing with computers professionally every day. :D
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by MWKXJ »

foglifter wrote:I feel like I'm missing something here... why do we need to mess with Linux?

I have my Google sheets with conditional formatting, so I know I need to rebalance if the cell turns red. I could add a script that would run daily/hourly/whatever and send me rebalancing alerts, but so far rebalancing hasn't been such a frequent event.
I know, I know. It was mentioned at the outset that this is a Rube Goldberg approach. Personally, I'm attempting to send rebalance notifications with as little active spreadsheet or brokerage account monitoring as possible (though having to manually adjust for dividend reivestments and contributions diminishes its advantage here). Also, I just enjoy the thought of a BSD cron job on a timesharing system handling such a job.

To each their own, but Godspeed if any here end up using it or a variation.
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by foglifter »

MWKXJ wrote:
foglifter wrote:I feel like I'm missing something here... why do we need to mess with Linux?

I have my Google sheets with conditional formatting, so I know I need to rebalance if the cell turns red. I could add a script that would run daily/hourly/whatever and send me rebalancing alerts, but so far rebalancing hasn't been such a frequent event.
I know, I know. It was mentioned at the outset that this is a Rube Goldberg approach.
Ah, now I know what "Rube Goldberg machine" is. Thanks to your post I learned something new! :)
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by Gabe »

This reminds me of something that's been on my to-do list for awhile... I've been sitting on the lazyfol.io and lazyfolio.com domains for a couple years now. If I were to throw together a slick-looking web app that let you define a custom portfolio with custom rebalancing bands that pinged you when they triggered and also conveniently calculated how many shares to buy/sell - would y'all sign up? It'd probably be free for awhile, but if a bunch of people started using it and/or I added SMS notifications I might start charging new users a small amount to at least cover the costs (even if I were only charging like $1/user/month, it'd help me get up to speed on Stripe integration which is something I've been wanting to learn).
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Re: Portfolio Rebalace Notifier

Post by Dmilligan »

would y'all sign up?
Yes. I would definitely be interested in something like this. In fact, I periodically search for notification tools like this and have never found one that would work satisfactorily with a Permanent Portfolio/Golden Butterfly. I would be willing to pay a small subscription fee for SMS functionality.
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