Taiwanese Referendum on the China Issue

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Taiwanese Referendum on the China Issue

Post by stuper1 »

After my second shot of 5 hour energy, I'm back with more great thoughts. Here's how the Taiwanese should run a referendum on whether to make a deal with China or pursue full independence:

1. All people who will be fighting at the front lines in event of war, and their mothers, should get full votes.
2. Those who will be farther behind the front lines should get partial votes, diminishing in value according to how far back they would be.
3. If you plan to bail out and leave for your mansion in Bali, or wherever rich Taiwanese like to go, then you get no vote.

That's how they should run it. I know nothing like this will ever happen, but that's how it should be. Sadly, what is much more likely to happen is a few rich folks at the top will make the decision, and the poor folks at the bottom will pay the bill. Thus, it ever was and will be.
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